Body language shapes
your personality
Body language is the way you represent your thoughts or
feelings by physical behaviors. Body language is about your posture, gestures,
eye movement, and facial expressions. This non
verbal communication is the basic aspect of relationships and modern
communications of work, business, social and dating. The way you give
expressions and use body parts reveals your intentions and feelings to others. Body language could be like attentive,
dominant, emotional, relaxed, romantic, submissive and confident. Your body
language should be positive as it has huge impact on the others. Work to
improve it for more opportunities and chances for success as more people
attracted to a confident person. It is your physical movements speak about your
true intentions to others. Don’t get confused it with sign language. Take an
example, handshaking indicate your confidence level in people.
Body language is what you don’t say bit it counts whether
you know it or not. Like “shoulder shrug”
is something when you do not know or get what the other is saying. Therefore it
is important to learn about good communication skills which include suitable
body language with positive facial expressions. Be engaged with people making
eye contact. Positive factors are like be attentive, smiling and leaning
forward. Moving closer convey your interest to cooperate. Other factors of
non-verbal body language are head movements, sounds, appearance and ways of
talking as how much you put stress on words and use pauses.
To improve your body language use positive signals as making
eye contact, sitting up straight, shaking hands firmly, smiling while avoid
staring, yawning, rubbing your nose, yawning, slouching, frowning, looking at
the ground, touching your face, biting of nails, checking the time, picking at
something, tapping, over blinking, locking of ankles.